Monday, January 23, 2006


ok, so here's the deal. so far we've had Communion with three communities and attended one service dedicated to Unity in the Church. the three so far represent the Eposcopal (and Anglican) Communion, the Interdenominational Tradition (Vineyard denomination), and a small discipleship group meeting on UNI's campus (sort of the house church tradition).

the Unity service was representative of two Methodist congregations, a Mennonite congregation, and a United Church of Christ congregation (plus our little delegation of 2). the other person who's doing this project with me is named Tyler.

while we got plenty of encouragement for this from local pastors, i still want one to give us authority to represent their church in this, so that while we have the weight of two disciples carrying this out, i still want the backing of accepted authority within the Church.

in the next couple of posts, i'll give a complete list of accepted, rejected, or questionable denominations. for guidelines as to what churches are accepted in this project, see the last post. also, as far as open or closed communion is concerned, if the church practices open communion, then we'll gladly participate, but if they are closed, then we're not going to "steal" communion. we'll have to go through whatever authority is over that congregation and get permission that way. if we try to steal it, it kinda defeats the whole purpose of signifying existing unity. in any case, this means we'll probably come into contact with a lot of different church authorities in different denominations.

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