Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Update on Campus Ministries

Today i was able to put together a list of all the campus ministries, their contact info, and size (in membership). If we have time, tyler and i will visit each one to establish a little contact and let them know what we're about. after that, we hope to organize a committee with one or two representatives from each organization that will work together to plan events, coordinate ministries and outreach, service projects, and coordinate funds (that go to the intergroup events). that might not get off the ground until the fall, but we're going to pitch the idea to each organization as we go along.

To see the updated list as to which ministries we've visited, go here, it should be at the bottom of the page.

anyway, here's the list of all the ministries at UNI (that we know of so far):

Campus Crusade for Christ (60 members)
Catholic Student Association (350 members)
College Hill Lutheran Student Fellowship (30 members)
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (30 members)
Lampost Student Organization
Lutheran Student Center (50 members)
Nazareth Lutheran Campus Ministry
Presbyterian Campus Connections
Revolution Ministries
The Navigators (200 members)
The River
UNI Campus Episcopalians (15 members)
Wesley Foundation

Total # Organizations: 15
Total members: 735 (approx.)

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